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How to make a plastic helicopter toy?

How to make a plastic helicopter toy?

We'd like to share how to make a simple plastic helicopter with sample materials,diy your plastic toy brings so much fun!

1.First ,we need a  plastic yogurt  bottle,a pingpong ball ,a pin and  several  straws

2.Drill a hole in the center of  this yogurt  with  scissors

3.Cut the whole yogurt bottle into two parts,Keep the top half spare,cut out a small rectangular piece.

4.Cut the 3 whole straws into 5 parts as spare.

5.Bend the small   rectangular piece  into a  semicircle,Pin both ends of the plastic sheet  into the centre of the two straws with staple. Put two straws vertically in a cross,pin it  at the junction.Insert the fifth straw into the   top half of the yogurt bottle.

6.Stick the half  bottle into the top of the semicircle.

7.Plug the whole pingpong ball into the half bottle finally.

Then a  helicopter is done,try it youself!