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When the baby throw things, Should we go to stop it?

When the baby throw things, Should we  go to stop it?

Parents should not blindly stop, limit the baby throw things.

Of course, the baby should be given items can be thrown, such as plastic toys, building blocks, ball and so on.

If you found your baby throwed food, you should immediately take away the food, and clearly told him "This is to eat, can not throw"

But do not scold him.

Therefore, the limit is that throwing things can not be dangerous, It will produce harm, or destructive things from them.

The other will not be much problem, as the baby slowly grow up, his concern will be transferred and they  will naturally lose interest in throwing things. 

Baby's  awareness of the whole world is starting from their curiosity  , 0 to 3 years old, they are  the most curious . If the baby has a strong curiosity,

It Will enhance the baby's curiosity, which  will give  the baby's creative thinking and imagination of the formation of a great help. 

In each stage of the baby's growth, parents should do avoid the curiosity of the baby? 4 to 6 months This stage of the baby likes to be vertical hold or sit up, 
like the initiative to look around the environment, and touch and grasp the toy. 

Guide for Parents : you can put the baby around the environment layout more colorful,Such as affixed to the wall some simple patterns, colorful images,
 the bed can be hung on a variety of colorful shapes of various textures of toys. In addition to the baby to see and listen to these toys, you can also teach your baby to play,

Can repeatedly do demonstration to arise the baby's interest, to encourage him to imitate.In 7 to 9 months, baby's interest in the surrounding environment is greatly improved, to look around more people and objects, with different things to show a different expression,,they will  focus on the things he was interested in and brightly colored toy business, and take the appropriate activities. Guide for Parents  : In addition to the baby a variety of toys and books, and amused him,

You should also often take them to nature to choose the right baby to watch the object, to expand the baby's cognitive range, by watching more, to the baby with a good sensory stimulation,

So that the psychological peace and beauty to enjoy. 10 to 12 months This period of the baby is a small activist. As climbing, standing and walking skills are growing, he can be full of room around to explore the surrounding environment
His curiosity is very strong, often the home drawer open, take everything out to see, play, a handle, a bottle, can let him put it down. Parents clever guidance: You should fully meet the baby at this time strong curiosity, encourage his exploration activities, not because of the trouble after the pack, blindly on the baby that can not move that allowed to touch the limit.
 Tips: You have to re-organize the room, to eliminate any hidden dangers, such as the dangerous items in a drawer, and add a drawer lock, or into the baby can not touch the place;In the table, chairs and other furniture with anti-collision angle